Docs | Installing | VPS

Install on Fedora VPS

  1. Get a VPS, my preference is Fedora
  2. dnf remove cockpit* gssproxy ModemManager
  3. dnf install mc htop install httpd mariadb php composer git
  4. dnf update
  5. dnf clean all
  6. Firewall Config
    1. firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-service=cockpit
    2. firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
    3. firewall-cmd --list-all
    4. firewall-cmd --state
  7. disable selinux
    • mc -e /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    • set to disabled
  8. reboot

Get Framework

  1. Create Workspace
    1. mkdir -p /opt/data/core
    2. chmod 777 /opt/data/core
    3. cd /opt/data/core
  2. Get composer.json
    1. wget
  3. Create a User
    1. useradd [a user]
    2. chown [a user].[a user] composer.json
    3. su [a user] -c 'composer install'

ready to deploy

  • e.g.
    1. cd /opt/data/core
    2. cp -R vendor/bravedave/dvc/example/ [project]
    3. mkdir -p --mode=0777 [project]/application/app/public/js
    4. mkdir -p --mode=0777 [project]/application/app/public/css

apache stuff

  1. create apache config
  2. start apache