Docs | Databases | DAO/DTO

DAO/DTO is a traditional abstract method which uses Data Access Objects to create Data Transition Objects.

DVC's DAO allow flexibility to use SQLite and MySQL with very little change to code, most file structuring is automatic and does not require GUI tools such as MySQL Workbench - a useful tool for visualization, but not required for administration;

Dao Namespace

Each table in the database is represented by a dao object, it is important to use this object to access the data because, as the application scales you may want to explore memory caching to speed the application up.

This application natively supports the APC caching and would be easily extended to others. using the built in dao method facilitates the automatic flushing of objects.

Common Methods

deletes a record from the table

$id = 1;

$dao = new dao\contacts;
$dao->delete( $id);

calls the upstream mysqli->real_escape_string or SQLite->escapeString


returns all the records in the table, optionally:

returns : dbResult

  • Parameter 1 : comma separated list of fields
  • Parameter 2 : order statement
$dao = new dao\contacts;
if ( $res = $dao->getAll( 'id, name', 'ORDER BY name ASC')) {
  while ( $row = $res->fetch()) {
    // do something with associative array (ala mysql->mysqli_fetch_assoc)

Inserts an associative array into a table

returns : $id of inserted record

$dao = new dao\contacts;
  'name' => 'John Citizen',
  'email' => 'john@example.com',

Update a table record using an associative array

returns : $id of inserted record

  • Parameter 1 : associative array of field => value
  • Parameter 2 : condition for update
$dao = new dao\contacts;
  'name' => 'John Citizen',
  'email' => 'john@example.com',
  'WHERE id = 1'