Risorsa - Asset Management

How to create a PHP module

Preamble - this guide uses Bootstrap version 4, it is recommended when starting new projects to use version 5


Create a module to record computer assets in a business. We want to record:

  1. Computer
  2. Purchase Date
  3. Computer Name
  4. CPU
  5. Memory
  6. HDD
  7. OS

Assuming Installed and running - suggest WSL

  1. PHP
    • under Alpine Linux ... php8, php8-zip, php8-iconv, php8-dom, php8-curl, php8-session, php8-sqlite3, php8-ctype, php8-openssl, php8-mbstring, php8-posix, php8-fileinfo
  2. Git
  3. Composer
  4. VS Code

and using bravedave/dvc


  1. Create a new project composer create-project bravedave/mvp risorsa
  2. Open that folder with VS Code and start your terminal, the working directory will be risorsa
  3. Add dvc composer req bravedave/dvc
  4. clean up (we don't need these)
    • rm -fr src/app/home src/app/template
    • rm -f src/app/slim.php src/app/launcher.php
  5. modify www/_mvp.php to point to application::run, not launcher::run ..
  6. Create a folder for the src mkdir src/risorsa
  7. tell composer where that src is
"autoload": {
  "psr-4": {
    "risorsa\\": "src/risorsa/"
  • update autoload composer u

by now the app should run ./run.sh

for consistency in the documentation, lets change the port to be static

  1. Edit the file ./run.sh
  2. Change the port to 8080
  3. Restart the ./run.sh

and you should be able to see it in your browser at http://localhost:8080/.

Creating an application

We are creating most of the code in namespace risorsa, there are other ways to reference the program, but we are going to create a DVC controller to reference it directly. In DVC controllers are located in src/app/controller, and this controller is risorsa

  1. Create a folder at src/controller
  2. Create the referencing controller
    • Create a file src/controller/risorsa.php
 * file src/controller/risorsa.php
class risorsa extends risorsa\controller {}

that about wraps up the getting ready phase, on to coding the application..

Create a config

a central config file is useful for specifying constants

  • Create a file src/risorsa/config.php
 * file : src/risorsa/config.php
namespace risorsa;

class config extends \config {  // noting: config extends global config classes
  const label = 'Risorsa';  // general label for application


Create the controller

  • create a file src/risorsa/controller.php
 * file src/risorsa/controller.php
namespace risorsa;

use strings;

class controller extends \Controller {
  protected function _index() {
    // these lines is temporary
    print 'hello from risorsa ..';
    // these lines is temporary

      'primary' => ['blank'],
      'secondary' => ['blank'],
      'data' => (object)[
        'searchFocus' => true,
        'pageUrl' => strings::url($this->route)

  protected function before() {

    $this->viewPath[] = __DIR__ . '/views/';  // location for module specific views

  protected function postHandler() {
    $action = $this->getPost('action');

the app now runs at http://localhost:8080/risorsa and says hello from risorsa ..
special note : the url is /risorsa

  • remove the lines between "these lines is temporary" inclusive of those lines, the app will still run, you have a navbar, footer and blank views .. a clean start

you can create a navbar and footer, it's not required as this is a module, so a navbar and footer is probably more global than this, to create one, create a file at src/app/views/navbar-default.php and src/app/views/footer.php - and use the bootstrap examples

so ... to the app

Create an Index page

  • Create a folder at src/risorsa/views
  • Add a file src/risorsa/views/index.php
 * file : src/risorsa/views/index.php
 * */
namespace risorsa;  ?>

<h6 class="mt-1">Risorsa</h6>
  1. Modify the controllers secondary view to load 'index'
    • at about line 22 of src/risorsa/controller.php
    'secondary' => ['index'],

Connect to a database

Note the data folder is created with a .gitignore file, do not upload the data folder to a public repository To save data we will need a database, there are many... DVC supports SQLite and that is simple - mysql and mariadb are supported. db_type is the important line - noting it is sqlite, refresh your page and the data file db.sqlite is created in the data folder

  • rename src/data/defaults-sample.json to src/data/defaults.json

Design a Table

Our goal is to maintain a table of computer assets, and previously we mentioned the information required to be stored. Here the objective is to create a table definition and use DVC's builtin table maintenance system When thinking database/table/records, my preference is to reference DAO - Data Access Objects - and DTO - Data Transition Objects. DAO Objects are intelligent, DTO Objects are simple. use field types are MySQL, and are converted to SQLite equivalents - for compatibility across database types

  • Create the folders src/risorsa/dao, and src/risorsa/dao/db
  • Create a file src/risorsa/dao/db/risorsa.php
 * file : src/risorsa/dao/db/risorsa.php
 * */

$dbc =\sys::dbCheck('risorsa');

// note id, autoincrement primary key is added to all tables - no need to specify

$dbc->defineField('created', 'datetime');
$dbc->defineField('updated', 'datetime');

$dbc->defineField('computer', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('purchase_date', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('computer_name', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('cpu', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('memory', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('hdd', 'varchar');
$dbc->defineField('os', 'varchar');

$dbc->check();  // actually do the work, check that table and fields exis

Initiate Auto Table Maintenance

DVC's table maintenance is simple, it can add fields that are missing. It maintains a version, of if you increment the version, it checks that table. It can maintain indexes also.

  • Find and copy the maintenance file into the dao folder, adjust the namespace
cp vendor/bravedave/dvc/src/dao/dbinfo.php src/risorsa/dao/
 * file : src/risorsa/dao/dbinfo.php
 * change the namespace, add the use line
namespace risorsa\dao;

use dao\_dbinfo;

class dbinfo extends _dbinfo {

all you have to do is call the checking routine, this will create any tables from template files in the db folder. it will also maintain a file in the data folder of table versions (src/data/db_version.json) Do this as part of your config

  • modify file src/risorsa/config.php
 * file : src/risorsa/config.php
namespace risorsa;

class config extends \config {  // noting: config extends global config classes
  const risorsa_db_version = 1;

  const label = 'Risorsa';  // general label for application

  static function risorsa_checkdatabase() {
    $dao = new dao\dbinfo;
    // $dao->debug = true;
    $dao->checkVersion('risorsa', self::risorsa_db_version);
  • Add a checking routine to your controller to call the checking routine regularly

before is a routine of the controller class, it's called at the end of __construct, note we have added the location of module specific views, we use that later in edit and matrix reporting

 * file : src/risorsa/controller
  protected function before() {
    config::risorsa_checkdatabase();  // add this line

    $this->viewPath[] = __DIR__ . '/views/';  // location for module specific views

if you are running the app and refresh the browser at http://localhost:8080/risorsa it will create the table

Tip : https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite will allow you to open and view sqlite files

almost done with the database, two more files will round this out

DTO - Data Transition Object

The DTO will allow us to have a blank record - it contains default values - we will use this to create new records

  • create a folder src/risorsa/dao/dto
  • create a file src/risorsa/dao/dto/risorsa.php
 * file : src/risorsa/dao/dto/risorsa.php
namespace risorsa\dao\dto;

use dao\dto\_dto;

class risorsa extends _dto {
  public $id = 0;
  public $created = '';
  public $updated = '';

  public $computer = '';
  public $purchase_date = '';
  public $computer_name = '';
  public $cpu = '';
  public $memory = '';
  public $hdd = '';
  public $os = '';
DAO - Data Access Object

the dao has a few default action getByID( $id) for instance returns a dto of the given id

  • create a file src/risorsa/dao/risorsa.php
 * file : src/risorsa/dao/risorsa.php
namespace risorsa\dao;

use dao\_dao;

class risorsa extends _dao {
  protected $_db_name = 'risorsa';
  protected $template = __NAMESPACE__ . '\dto\risorsa';

  public function Insert($a) {
    $a['created'] = $a['updated'] = self::dbTimeStamp();
    return parent::Insert($a);

  public function UpdateByID($a, $id) {
    $a['updated'] = self::dbTimeStamp();
    return parent::UpdateByID($a, $id);

that wraps up storage, lets create the add/edit modal, and a report matrix

Control the execution of adding a record

Using the MVC convention, the controller will organise data and call the view

  • create an edit routine in the controller, add this function to src/risorsa/controller
 * file : src/risorsa/controller.php
  public function edit($id = 0) {
    // tip : the structure is available in the view at $this->data->dto
    $this->data = (object)[
      'title' => $this->title = config::label,
      'dto' => new dao\dto\risorsa

    if ($id = (int)$id) {
      $dao = new dao\risorsa;
      $this->data->dto = $dao->getByID($id);
      $this->data->title .= ' edit';


Create an Add record modal

In this section we create a Bootstrap Modal dialog to add/edit a record, the structure of the data is defined earlier in the dto section, and the dto will be provided to the view Note : we will be using javascript/ajax to post the data, the merit is more apparent when contructing the matrix..

  • create a file src/risorsa/views/edit.php
 * file : src/risorsa/views/edit.php
namespace risorsa;

use strings, theme;

$dto = $this->data->dto;

<form id="<?= $_form = strings::rand() ?>" autocomplete="off">

  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="risorsa-save">
  <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?= $dto->id ?>">

  <div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" id="<?= $_modal = strings::rand() ?>" aria-labelledby="<?= $_modal ?>Label" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg modal-dialog-centered" role="document">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header <?= theme::modalHeader() ?>">
          <h5 class="modal-title" id="<?= $_modal ?>Label"><?= $this->title ?></h5>
          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
        <div class="modal-body">

          <!-- --[computer]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label">computer</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="computer" value="<?= $dto->computer ?>">



          <!-- --[purchase_date]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">purchase date</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="date" class="form-control" name="purchase_date" value="<?= $dto->purchase_date ?>">



          <!-- --[computer_name]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">computer name</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="computer_name" value="<?= $dto->computer_name ?>">



          <!-- --[cpu]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">cpu</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="cpu" value="<?= $dto->cpu ?>">



          <!-- --[memory]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">memory</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="memory" value="<?= $dto->memory ?>">



          <!-- --[hdd]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">hdd</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="hdd" value="<?= $dto->hdd ?>">



          <!-- --[os]-- -->
          <div class="form-row">
            <div class="col-md-3 col-form-label text-truncate">os</div>
            <div class="col mb-2">
              <input type="text" class="form-control" name="os" value="<?= $dto->os ?>">



        <div class="modal-footer">
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" data-dismiss="modal">close</button>
          <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
    (_ => $('#<?= $_modal ?>').on('shown.bs.modal', () => {
      $('#<?= $_form ?>')
        .on('submit', function(e) {
          let _form = $(this);
          let _data = _form.serializeFormJSON();

            url: _.url('<?= $this->route ?>'),
            data: _data,

          }).then(d => {
            if ('ack' == d.response) {
              $('#<?= $_modal ?>')
            } else {



          // console.table( _data);

          return false;
Handle the save

modify the controller's postHandler to handle the save

  • Modify src/risorsa/controller.php
  protected function postHandler() {
    $action = $this->getPost('action');

    if ('risorsa-save' == $action) {
      $a = [
        'computer' => $this->getPost('computer'),
        'purchase_date' => $this->getPost('purchase_date'),
        'computer_name' => $this->getPost('computer_name'),
        'cpu' => $this->getPost('cpu'),
        'memory' => $this->getPost('memory'),
        'hdd' => $this->getPost('hdd'),
        'os' => $this->getPost('os')


      $dao = new dao\risorsa;
      if ($id = (int)$this->getPost('id')) {

        $dao->UpdateByID($a, $id);
      } else {
      Json::ack($action); // json return { "response": "ack", "description" : "risorsa-save" }
    } else {

This will actually introduce an error, Json of Json::ack will not be found, add the reference at the top of the controller, just after the namespace declaration

 * file src/risorsa/controller.php
namespace risorsa;

use Json; // add this line
use strings;

class controller extends \Controller {
Allow the add control to trigger the modal/form to add a new record
  • modify the click event of the add control
 * file : src/risorsa/views/index.php
 * */
namespace risorsa;

use strings;  ?>

<h6 class="mt-1"><?= config::label ?></h6>

<ul class="nav flex-column">
  <li class="nav-item">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#" id="<?= $_uidAdd = strings::rand() ?>"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle"></i> new</a>
  (_ => $(document).ready(() => {
    $('#<?= $_uidAdd ?>').on('click', function(e) {

       * note:
       * on success of adding new, tell the document there
       * was a new record, will be used by the matrix
       *  */
      _.get.modal(_.url('<?= $this->route ?>/edit'))
        .then(m => m.on('success', e => $(document).trigger('risorsa-add-new')));




Right now the form will add a record to the database, you can view it using SQL - just reporting to go !

Create an Report Matrix

The goal in this section is to Use a controller to request some modelling of data, and supply that modelled data to a view - and it will do that when requested by the default function of the controller... _index

Request some Modelled Data
  • modify the file src/risorsa/dao/risorsa.php to include the getMatrix function
 * file : src/risorsa/dao/risorsa.php
 * */
  public function getMatrix() : array {
    $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `risorsa`';
    if ( $res = $this->Result($sql)) {
      return $this->dtoSet($res);

    return [];
  • modify the controller to supply the data, add this logic into the posthandler

note that there is 2 logics here, a get-by-id, and a get-matrix logic
the data is going to be requested using ajax ...there are a number of advantages

  1. The Page will load faster - because it is smaller
  2. When modifying data, we can update it without reloading the page - once we exceed 10-20 records this becomes significant improvement to the UI.
 * file : src/risorsa/controller.php
 * */
  protected function postHandler() {
    $action = $this->getPost('action');

    if ('get-by-id' == $action) {
        (_ => {
            url: _.url('risorsa'),
            data: {
              action: 'get-by-id',
              id : 1
          }).then(d => {
            if ('ack' == d.response) {
            } else {

      if ($id = (int)$this->getPost('id')) {
        $dao = new dao\risorsa;
        if ($dto = $dao->getByID($id)) {
            ->add('data', $dto);
        } else {
      } else {
    } elseif ('get-matrix' == $action) {
        (_ => {
            url: _.url('risorsa'),
            data: {
              action: 'get-matrix'
          }).then(d => {
            if ('ack' == d.response) {
            } else {

      $dao = new dao\risorsa;
        ->add('data', $dao->getMatrix());
    } elseif ('risorsa-save' == $action) {
    // ... note, we inserted this at the start and have changed the if/else to logically continue ...
    // ... more code ...

read the above carefully, we modified the logic on the risorsa-save action,
we also inserted a test routine which can be executed from the console

Create the View
  • create the file src/risorsa/views/matrix.php
 * file : src/risorsa/views/matrix.php
namespace risorsa;

use strings;

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table class="table table-sm" id="<?= $_uidMatrix = strings::rand() ?>">
    <thead class="small">
        <td>purchase date</td>
        <td>computer name</td>


  (_ => {

    const edit = function() {
      let _me = $(this);
      let _dto = _me.data('dto');

      _.get.modal(_.url(`<?= $this->route ?>/edit/${_dto.id}`))
        .then(m => m.on('success', e => _me.trigger('refresh')));


    const localeDate = s => {
      if (_.isDateValid(s)) {
        let d = new Date(s);
        return d.toLocaleDateString();
      return s;

    const matrix = data => {
      let table = $('#<?= $_uidMatrix ?>');
      let tbody = $('#<?= $_uidMatrix ?> > tbody');

      $.each(data, (i, dto) => {
        $(`<tr class="pointer">
          <td class="js-computer">${dto.computer}</td>
          <td class="js-purchase_date">${localeDate(dto.purchase_date)}</td>
          <td class="js-computer_name">${dto.computer_name}</td>
          <td class="js-cpu">${dto.cpu}</td>
          <td class="js-memory">${dto.memory}</td>
          <td class="js-hdd">${dto.hdd}</td>
          <td class="js-os">${dto.os}</td>
          .data('dto', dto)
          .on('click', function(e) {


          .on('edit', edit)
          .on('refresh', refresh)



    const refresh = function(e) {

      let _me = $(this);
      let _dto = _me.data('dto');

        url: _.url('<?= $this->route ?>'),
        data: {
          action: 'get-by-id',
          id: _dto.id

      }).then(d => {
        if ('ack' == d.response) {
          $('.js-computer', _me).html(d.data.computer);
          $('.js-purchase_date', _me).html(d.data.purchase_date);
          $('.js-computer_name', _me).html(d.data.computer_name);
          $('.js-cpu', _me).html(d.data.cpu);
          $('.js-memory', _me).html(d.data.memory);
          $('.js-hdd', _me).html(d.data.hdd);
          $('.js-os', _me).html(d.data.os);

        } else {


    $('#<?= $_uidMatrix ?>')
      .on('refresh', function(e) {
          url: _.url('<?= $this->route ?>'),
          data: {
            action: 'get-matrix'
        }).then(d => {
          if ('ack' == d.response) {
          } else {


    $(document).on('risorsa-add-new', e => $('#<?= $_uidMatrix ?>').trigger('refresh'));
    $(document).ready(() => $('#<?= $_uidMatrix ?>').trigger('refresh'));

Load the View
  • Modify the src/risorsa/controller.php to load the matrix view
 * file : src/risorsa/controller.php
 * */
  protected function _index() {

      'title' => $this->title = config::label,

      'primary' => ['matrix'],  /* load the matrix view */

      'secondary' => ['index'],
      'data' => (object)[
        'searchFocus' => true,
        'pageUrl' => strings::url($this->route)

the app now runs at http://localhost:8080/risorsa ... yay !